Friday, January 23, 2009


Well dad had his surgery on Monday and was doing really good the next day. Then early Wednesday morning he started to be less responsive and his cranial pressure was rising. He ended up having a hematoma fill in the place where the tumor was and they had to go back in and do a second surgery to remove the hematoma. He is off the vent now and is doing a little better his pressures are better, not exactly where the doctor wants to see them but better. He has been a little nausea's this morning and his blood pressure keeps jumping up pretty high. They are trying to control it with meds. They have cultured his drain fluid to check for infection. It has been a very long week. All the days are running together. We have been taking shifts to stay here with dad. Hopefully we are past the worst part and are on the up swing. I will keep everything posted as I can. All prayers are needed and are appreciated.

Monday, January 19, 2009


Well a lot has happened since my last post. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with the boys and then we got them the second week of Christmas break & had a fabulous New Years Eve Kids party. Since then a lot of bad news has came to surface. My dad has a brain tumor, which his operation was today. It was a 7 cm tumor and a 61/2 hour surgery. He is stable in ICU right now, but it has been a long week, then to top it off my aunt, my dads sister has been diagnosed with Breast cancer. Prayer is needed from as many people as possible. Work is going good, but it has also had it's ups and downs the past few weeks. I am keeping my head up and trying to be positive. I know the man upstairs is on my side and is taking all of this in his hands. I will try to keep more posted soon. Brysen and Masen are doing good. Masen is a 3 month old 13lb baby. You would never know that he was premature. Well more to come & more pictures.

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Well it has been a wild ride here. The boys came up from FL for Thanksgiving and we had a house full of boys & toys. It was great though. I am doing better now. I went back to work early. I think that really helps me, how crazy does that sound, but it is helping. All the kids are great & we are still adjusting to the midnight feedings. It is getting cold up here. There have been a few days of flurries & already one day that school has been delayed. So I think it might be a long winter here. Well I miss everyone & I hope you had a great Thanksgiving and have happy holidays!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Getting there...I think.

Well just a short update. I am still working on finding my way back to "normal". I had a get together last night with a few people and I really think it helped out. I needed some social interaction. I am working on trying to control my mood swings. It seems like my major break downs are getting further apart. So I think I am progressing for the better. The kids are great! Masen is putting on weight and Brysen is into anything and everything. Kolby and Klayten will be here for Thanksgiving, so I am really excited about that. It will be good for Brysen. He misses them very much and is really excited about them coming. It will be nice to have our whole family here. All of my men. Well that is it for now, I will keep you posted.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Well things have started to improve. I think that I have had a small on set of PP depresion, but how do you really know what that is? It is kind of hard to explain what it is when you don't even know yourself. The baby is doing good, Brysen is doing good, just the terrible two's. I just don't feel like myself. I can't even say I know what myself is suppose to feel like right now. My doctor has me on some post partum meds, I don't know if they are working or not, because I can't seem to figure out what normal is. It sounds crazy but when I was pregnant with hormones raging I still felt normal. Right now, I wouldn't know normal if it staired back at me in a mirror. I talked to one of my best friends that delivered a few weeks before me and she has had similar feelings, so I can't say that I am way out side the relam of sanity but still it is hard feeling this out touch with yourself. I am normally a very strong woman, and normally take control of everything and I am the one who holds this family and work life together. Right now I can barely hold myself together and that is just not ok. The worrying if everything is going to be ok, am I doing this right for Brysen, am I being too hard on him with all this change in his life, am I being a good wife even though I am not at 100%, so many things weigh in. I am hoping that this is a phase that will pass soon. Trust me, I don't want to feel pregnant again, but I would love to have "normal" back again. Hey I could make that a new song, instead of "Sexy Back", "Normal Back". There is my humor for the night.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Well Halloween was a hit for Brysen. He was Obi Wan Konobi. "Daddy Star Wars" is what he called it. He liked trick or treating this year. He only made it to about 12 houses but he really liked ringing the door bell. Masen stayed inside while Brysen went door to door at Grandad's house. Masen was a black cat. As you can see I have posted pictures of both of them in their costumes. I can't imagine next year. Well to all, I hope you had a Happy Halloween, we definitely did.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Relax... it's my time

Ok, I have come to grips with work. I know the girls will be fine and I just need to relax. I talked to my doctor last night & she said, by the time you actually relax, it will be time to come back to work. She is right. So I am starting to relax and embrace the time I have with Masen & Brysen. Being a mother is the most gratifying job you will ever have and I am so blessed that I have two wonderful children and two fantastic step sons. I know it is time for me to have "my time" and I am going to take it. Masen went to his weight check appointment yesterday and he now weighs 5 lbs 14 oz. He gained 7 oz in 5 days. He is doing good. Brysen went too, and got his flu shot. He was not happy about that. My mom and I also took Brysen to get his Halloween costume. He is going to be Obi Wan Kinobi from Star Wars. He looks so cute! He calls it Obi Knowbi. Jasen is doing well also, he is working and tired. He is helping with the midnight feedings and it is taking a toll. He is working 4 tens this week so he is off on Friday & I think he really needs it. Our family is doing well. More to come....